NETFUTURE Technology and Human Responsibility -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue #119 A Publication of The Nature Institute March 27, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor: Stephen L. Talbott ( On the Web: You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes. NetFuture is a reader-supported publication. CONTENTS --------- Editor's Note Quotes and Provocations The Reality of Appearances Brief Notes from All Over Diagnosing Lady Hamilton's Portrait DEPARTMENTS Correspondence Nurses Surfing the Web About this newsletter ========================================================================== EDITOR'S NOTE If you've wondered about The Nature Institute, publisher of NetFuture, you can now find out about us by going to There are many articles and papers there that have never appeared in NetFuture. Among the pieces of my own that may interest you, I'd like to mention these: ** "Are Animals Robots?" I argue that it is far easier to represent aspects of the human being in a computer program than it is to represent a beetle -- this despite all the talk about programs achieving the level of sophistication of insects or other animals. ( ** "Toward a Final Theory of the Sloth". This is a response to a reader's objection to Craig Holdrege's article about the sloth in NetFuture #97. What does it mean to understand an organism scientifically? ( ** "The Straitening of Science". Do physical objects, by nature, really move in straight lines unless subjected to outside forces? ( By the way, if you were interested in that original article on the sloth, you may want to look at other studies in "whole-organism biology" by Craig. Go to SLT Goto table of contents ========================================================================== QUOTES AND PROVOCATIONS The Reality of Appearances -------------------------- Two vicious crimes by teenagers have recently made the news. Elkech Leon, who has acknowledged beating and raping a sixteen-year-old girl in Queens, New York, in 1999, has now pleaded guilty. He had told law enforcement officials after the assault: "It was all so real. I wanted to feel how it felt to be a rapist". Lionel Tate, a fourteen-year-old Floridian, has been sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for beating six-year-old Tiffany Eunick to death. He committed the murderous act when he was twelve. According to the New York Times, "Lionel testified that he was emulating the wrestlers he regarded as heroes when he kicked and body-slammed Tiffany". You can imagine Lionel's perplexity at the outcome; don't the wrestlers always get up and walk away? If you are looking for a thesis topic in sociology or psychology, I suggest something like this: "How has our sense of reality been changing during the era of electronic media?" Anyone who takes up this challenge will, in the first place, have to get beyond the commonplace observation that young people obviously know the difference between a video screen and the real world. Of course they can tell you the difference between what is a video image and what is not, and of course they will deny any confusion in the matter. But this correct logical judgment hardly gets us very far. Here's an analogy. A toddler quickly learns to distinguish himself from others. He can use the word "I" correctly. But if you look deeply into what the concept means to him at this highly imitative age, you will notice that everything "out there" has, at the same time, a powerful and almost magical existence "in here". The line between self and other is not as sharply drawn as it will be in later years. This, of course, is quite as it should be. Even in many adults, what psychologists refer to as "ego boundaries" can at times be exceptionally porous -- despite these same adults' ability to tell you quite definitely that they are themselves and not someone else. So any attempt to sort out the contemporary "sense for reality" will have to dig beneath surface judgments of the intellect. I'm convinced that one of the first conclusions any such digging will lead us to is that the usual distinction between appearance and reality is misleading, if not altogether useless. Our experience of a video image is as real as our experience of anything else. The question is only, "What sort of experience is it?" -- a question that is immediately downplayed when we derogate the experience as mere appearance. Once we do take all experiences seriously, we will probably be less concerned about children thinking video images are "real" than we are about their beginning to experience the rest of their world with some of the qualities of a video image. After all, there is no possibility of arguing that images are innocent in this regard. The truth here has long been recognized with respect to art. Oscar Wilde once asked, "Have you noticed that nature has recently begun to look like Corot's landscapes?" According to the art historian, Sir Ernst Gombrich, the earlier, eighteenth-century search for beauty "that sent poets and painters to the Lakeland was a search for motifs that reminded the art lovers of paintings, preferably those of Claude and Poussin". Gombrich also cites the seventeenth-century artist, Roger de Piles, who observed that the bad habits of painters "even affect their organs, so that their eyes see the objects of nature colored as they are used to painting them". We should, moreover, remember that the development of linear perspective in fifteenth-century art had a great deal to do with our ability to detach ourselves from the world, take up an individual point of view, and begin scientific observation. In general, the images and meanings we have at our disposal, the ways of looking and seeing, not only shape our interaction with the world, but determine what sort of world is available to interact with. Anyone who persists in the belief that television, video games, computer images, and the cinema do not profoundly influence children is just willfully blind. The qualities of the images we bathe in are at the same time qualities of our inner life -- that's what it means for us to experience them. The only question is how we work with and assimilate these qualities. And our answer to this question helps to determine the qualities of the objective world we share with each other. Moreover, if there's one general truth about young children, it's that their natural tendency is to assimilate what comes to them with great simplicity and trust. The world we give them in images becomes their world, overly facile distinctions between appearance and reality notwithstanding. These distinctions are much less useful for comprehending their world than is the fact, for example, that the peculiar reality of video images does little to ground the child in a coherent order of things where actions have understandable consequences -- the kind that can land you in prison for life without parole. In general, we deprive our children of any stable orientation to the world. It is our daily work, above all else, that gives meaning and substance to our lives, and yet (unlike in earlier times) the world of adult work is almost completely hidden from the child today. It is hidden behind the brick walls of the factory; it goes on within steel and glass office towers many miles from where the child lives; or it disappears into a digital interface that re-presents the whole world of human effort as a few incomprehensible abstractions upon a square foot or two of glass. Likewise with social action and politics, which might have helped to orient the child to life in community. As political activity, even at the local level, was sucked into the television in the living room, it became remote, cosmetic, charisma-centered, advertising-driven. Voter apathy increased. Of the entire political process, little is "there" in any practical sense for the child except a chaotic collage of images bearing subliminal messages and reflecting all the demonic sophistication of Madison Avenue. How can the child, growing up in our society, find anything to orient himself by, anything to encourage him in the conviction that there is a stable and coherent order of things to which he can make a meaningful contribution? The world we present to him is all too accurately symbolized for him by the anti-reality of the music video. The tortured relations between "appearance" and "reality" have vexed our culture for several hundred years, and continue to be a source of great confusion. (Have you ever wondered why many of the same people who assure us that children do not experience gruesomely violent video images as "real" also assure us that video images are an excellent way to teach children about the natural world?) The only solution is for us to cease dismissing some things as empty appearance and instead begin to enter into the particular qualities of each different kind of experience, seeing it for what it is. The images vomited from the studios of Hollywood and Madison Avenue may be fantasies, but they are at the same time among the most powerful realities of our culture. A class of school children was recently reported to have laughed when informed of the shootings in Santee, California. I don't know the particulars of that incident, but I would be loathe to say up front that those children's laughter had nothing in common with the frequent laughter at violent scenes in movie theaters. If you really knew a single child and went through such experiences with him, you'd find yourself staring the answer in the face quickly enough. But, of course, knowing children in this direct way is not exactly the wave of the electronically enlightened, distance-educated future. So, in the absence of direct understanding, we can look forward to more reams of survey data -- which can themselves be a way of dismissing the world as mere appearance compared to the bedrock reality of "hard numbers". It may be that the decisive challenge facing children today is to find some kind of stable, grounding coherence within the various sorts of reality assaulting them. The current prognosis for these kids is not encouraging, and can be summed up in a simple question: if we are stumbling around in a confused dialectic between appearance and reality, should we wonder that our children are doing the same? Related articles: ** "Virtuality and the Atomization of Experience" in NF #87. ** "Mona Lisa's Smile", a chapter in The Future Does Not Compute. ** "Seeing in Perspective", another chapter in The Future Does Not Compute. Brief Notes from All Over ------------------------- ** Regarding the article, "Golden Genes and World Hunger: Let Them Eat Transgenic Rice?" by Craig Holdrege and me (NF #108), you will recall that the golden rice work was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Now Gordon Conway, president of the foundation, has written a letter to Greenpeace acknowledging that "the public-relations uses of golden rice have gone too far", and also that, while he believes golden rice can make an important nutritional contribution, "We do not consider golden rice the solution to the vitamin-A deficiency problem". ** Indian scientist-activist, Vandana Shiva, delivered last year's BBC Reith lecture. One of her observations: "In spite of all empirical evidence showing that genetic engineering does not produce more food and in fact often leads to a yield decline, it is constantly promoted as the only alternative available for feeding the hungry". She goes on: Recently, the McKinsey corporation said: "American food giants recognize that Indian agro-business has lots of room to grow, especially in food processing. India processes a minuscule one percent of the food it grows compared to seventy percent for the U.S." It is not that we Indians eat our food raw. Global consultants fail to see the ninety-nine percent food processing done by women at household level or by the small cottage industry because it is not controlled by global agribusiness. Ninety-nine percent of India's agroprocessing has been intentionally kept at the small level. Now, under the pressure of globalization, things are changing. Pseudo-hygiene laws are being used to shut down local economies and small-scale processing. In August, 1998, small-scale local processing of edible oil was banned in India through a "packaging order" which made sale of open oil illegal and required all oil to be packaged in plastic or aluminum. This shut down tiny "ghanis" or cold-pressed mills. It destroyed the market for our diverse oilseeds -- mustard, linseed, sesame, groundnut, coconut. And the take-over of the edible oil industry has affected ten million livelihoods. The take-over of flour or "atta" by packaged, branded flour will cost one hundred million livelihoods. And these millions are being pushed into new poverty.... The globalization of the food system is destroying the diversity of local food cultures and local food economies. A global monoculture is being forced on people by defining everything that is fresh, local and handmade as a health hazard. Human hands are being defined as the worst contaminants, and work for human hands is being outlawed, to be replaced by machines and chemicals bought from global corporations. These are not recipes for feeding the world, but stealing livelihoods from the poor to create markets for the powerful. Much of Shiva's lecture was a fleshing out of this point: "The most efficient means of [destroying] nature, local economies, and small autonomous producers is by rendering their production invisible". As she makes vividly clear, this is largely a matter of rendering women invisible -- the women who contribute so massively to much of the world's economy. ** In her lecture, Shiva also offered this stinging commentary on the patenting of life forms: Patents and intellectual property rights are supposed to be granted for novel inventions. But patents are being claimed for rice varieties such as the basmati for which my valley, where I was born, is famous, or pesticides derived from the Neem [tree] which our mothers and grandmothers have been using. Rice Tec, a U.S.-based company, has been granted Patent no. 5,663,484 for basmati rice lines and grains. Basmati, neem, pepper, bitter gourd, turmeric ... every aspect of the innovation embodied in our indigenous food and medicinal systems is now being pirated and patented. The knowledge of the poor is being converted into the property of global corporations, creating a situation where the poor will have to pay for the seeds and medicines they have evolved and have used to meet their own needs for nutrition and health care. Such false claims to creation are now the global norm, with the Trade- Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement of the World Trade Organization forcing countries to introduce regimes that allow patenting of life forms and indigenous knowledge. Instead of recognizing that commercial interests build on nature and on the contribution of other cultures, global law has enshrined the patriarchal myth of creation to create new property rights to life forms just as colonialism used the myth of discovery as the basis of the take-over of the land of others as colonies. ** In the Winter, 2001 issue of Orion, Wendell Berry writes about "The Idea of a Local Economy". One of the things he does is to criticize the notion that a corporation should be regarded, legally, as a person. Much that is destructive about the peculiar form the corporation has taken today arises precisely because the corporation is not a person: A corporation, essentially, is a pile of money to which a number of persons have sold their moral allegiance. As such, unlike a person, a corporation does not age. It does not arrive, as most persons finally do, at a realization of the shortness and smallness of human lives; it does not come to see the future as the lifetimes of the children and grandchildren of anybody in particular. It can experience no personal hope or remorse, no change of heart. It cannot humble itself. It goes about its business as if it were immortal, with the single purpose of becoming a bigger pile of money. ** Back in September ecologists David S. Wilcove (Environmental Defense) and Thomas Eisner (Cornell University) wrote about "the Impending Extinction of Natural History". They pointed out that "a knowledge of, or even an avowed interest in, natural history is no longer a prerequisite for admission to a graduate program in ecology or any other branch of biology .... Even the field trip ... has become increasingly uncommon". The authors view the demise of natural history as "one of the biggest scientific mistakes of our time". The lopsided shift toward molecular biology and genetic engineering reflects a preference for theoretical explanation and mechanical manipulation of a sort that can proceed without much reference to the organisms we began by trying to understand. Who needs the complicating presence of organisms and natural habitats when you can pursue molecular- level mechanisms that are such well-behaved artifacts of your theory? The result of the shift is a lot of lost opportunity in the classroom. As Wilcove and Eisner remark, "For the price of a stereo microscope, now less than $250, a science teacher can turn a pinch of soil into a bustling world of springtails, oribatid mites, and nematodes, creatures as bizarre and engaging as anything to appear in a Star Wars movie". They conclude their essay (which appeared in the Sept. 15, 2000 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education) with this: The current push to connect every classroom in America to the Internet demonstrates how quickly elected leaders and the public can be galvanized to address what is rightly perceived to be a critical educational need. Meanwhile, the demise of natural history goes unnoticed, increasing the likelihood that future generations of schoolchildren will spend even more time indoors, clicking away on their plastic mice, happily viewing images of the very plants and animals they could be finding in the woods, streams, and meadows they no longer visit. ** As a follow-up to Lowell Monke's article on factory-farmed hogs in NF #114: John F. Kennedy, Jr., and a group of lawyers are filing hundreds of lawsuits against hog operations nationwide, beginning in North Carolina. That state's nineteen million tons per year of swinish waste notoriously finds its way to places where it doesn't belong. In June, 1995, twenty- two million gallons of hog manure spilled into tributaries of the New River, and 1999's Hurricane Floyd washed hog waste into the Tar, Neuse, and Cape Fear tributaries. One of the lawsuits charges the giant Smithfield Foods (responsible for hogs on 1500 factory farms) with violating federal racketeering statutes, due to the serial nature of the company's polluting activities. According to one news story (unfortunately, I have misplaced the source), In 1997 a U.S. District Court judge fined Smithfield $12.6 million for thousands of Clean Water Act violations; in another case, a manager pleaded guilty to illegally dumping toxic wastewater into the Pagan river; the state of Virginia also has a suit pending against the company alleging more than 22,000 discharge and pollution violations from the mid-'80s to the mid-'90s. If the astonishing charges in these government lawsuits are even fractionally true, then we see here a perfect illustration of a point made in NF #114: anyone who can treat a community of animals with arrogant disdain will very likely find it also possible to treat a community of people with arrogant disdain. ** Andrew Kimbrell, director of the International Center for Technology Assessment in Washington, D.C., delivered one of the annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures last October. He included this remark: Instead of changing technology so it fits life, the breathtaking attempt of genetic engineering is to change life so it fits technology. [For example,] to genetically engineer plants and animals so they will fit with global warming, so they can survive those temperatures. To genetically engineer our farm animals so they can survive in the factory farm system. And, yes, even to genetically engineer us, so that we can survive in the technological world to come. ** This came from the San Jose Mercury News (March 1) via NewsScan Daily: One of the findings of the just-published Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,, is that Silicon Valley is a community that is relatively backward socially compared to national statistics: people in the Valley are twenty-seven percent less likely than people elsewhere to visit with relatives, and are not very inclined to serve as community leaders, join clubs, or even attend public meetings. But even nationally, says survey director Robert Putnam, "there has been a serious erosion in American connectedness". James Koch of the Center for Science, Technology and Society at Santa Clara University says of Silicon Valley: "This is a region that is enigmatic. We have tremendous prowess when it comes to innovation and commercialization of technologies. That's often attributed to the robust networks that exist in this region. But we are remarkably weak in social ties. We are like a very, very well-trained athlete who can do one thing especially well. But we haven't cultivated this larger capacity for civic engagement". Meanwhile, I just saw mention of a new study (co-sponsored by America Online) claiming to show that the Net has strengthened social ties. The warring surveys, you can be sure, will go on, and on, and on.... Diagnosing Lady Hamilton's Portrait ----------------------------------- A wonderful pilot program at Weill Cornell Medical College has future doctors spending time at the nearby Frick Collection studying famous portraits. It's part of an effort to train the students in the art of observation. The idea, novel as it is in today's medical environment, is for them to learn to see the person in front of them as an essential part of the diagnostic effort. For example, the enlarged pupils in the portrait of Lady Hamilton (mistress of Admiral Nelson) suggest the use of belladonna, a potentially fatal herb often taken in Lady Hamilton's time to lend the eyes an erotic quality. Students quickly become interested in the challenge of assessing the patient through direct observation. One of the creators of the Cornell- Frick program said, "Already I've had students tell me that when they walk into a hospital room they don't go right for the chart". The Cornell program was modeled after one at Yale, where art curator Linda Friedlaender recalled visiting her friend in the hospital the day before her operation. It was obvious the woman was extremely nervous and needed some reassurance. Yet when a resident stopped by to check on the patient, Ms. Friedlaender said, he barely lifted his eyes from the chart, remained standing in the doorway, and took her lack of questions as permission to quickly leave. Now Yale requires every first-year medical student to take a course entitled "A Rash in a Frame: Enhancing Observational Skills". Other schools around the country have indicated an interest in starting such a program. All this is extremely encouraging. I very much hope these schools can raise their courses to a minimal level of philosophical sophistication, since a fundamental question about the nature of scientific knowledge underlies the doctor's decision whether to "go straight for the chart" or instead to look at the patient. This decision can be understood as a choice between seeing a particular illness as the essential thing (the illness just happens to be "doing this particular patient") or else seeing the patient as the essential thing (the patient just happens to be "doing this particular illness"). But this still doesn't state the matter forcefully enough, since what "this particular illness" is cannot even be defined apart from the individuality of the patient. We've been taught to think in terms of perfectly discrete, nameable illnesses, as if each one had a kind of fixed, atomic identity independent of the person who is "doing it". But this is hardly the case. No two pneumonias are the same disease, and the profusion of vaguely defined syndromes in our day (such as chronic fatigue syndrome, "environmental illness", and lyme disease) underscores the need to see the illness as a function of the person rather than the person as a function of the illness. Of course, there is not really a strict line between these two approaches. The problem today is that the willingness to see the person has largely vanished from medicine, replaced by a focus on symptom clusters regarded as essences in their own right. Putting it a little differently: we are much more inclined to think we understand patient A when we have established what he has in common with cases B, C, D ... , all of whom form a neat diagnostic class, than to believe we understand A only when we grasp his uniqueness -- what he does not have in common with B, C, and D, and what he is distinctively "doing" with his illness. This distinctive doing, and not the nameable illness, may be the more important thing when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. Such a focus upon the qualitative uniqueness of what we observe is foreign to mainstream science, with its ultimate, explanatory urge to see only featureless, indistinguishable particles. A medicine grounded in such science is hardly predisposed to recognize the patient as an individual, and we can only hope that courses such as the ones at Cornell and Yale will, over time, nudge young researchers toward the quest for a new kind of science. Related articles: ** "Notes on Health and Medicine" in NF #88. SLT Goto table of contents ========================================================================== CORRESPONDENCE Nurses Surfing the Web ---------------------- From: Name withheld by request Steve: My four year old daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate and has required a series of (standard) reconstructive surgical procedures. Her fourth such procedure was last week. Needless to say, everything in the hospital where she receives her care is computerized. There are obvious problems that come up in this. For instance, our in-processing was delayed while one of the receptionists was on the phone with tech support describing the blue screen of death facing her on her desktop machine. However, there were some experiences we had that were much more subtle and much more troubling. The computerization of the hospital really does extend everywhere. When we met our daughter in post-op recovery, I noticed immediately that the room was filled with computerized equipment of all kinds. Our daughter was completely connected to one piece of monitoring equipment and her vital signs (heart, respiration, blood pressure, blood oxygen) were displayed on a screen above her bed. Right next to that screen was a screen connected to a PC. It was displaying a login screen for some kind of program that I was not familiar with. The post-op room was fairly large with a number of patient bays distributed around its perimeter. As I looked around the room I noticed that the pair of monitors (vital signs plus PC) was standard in all the bays. I also noticed that the PC monitors were variously displaying the same login screen that we were faced with or, alternatively, the Microsoft Windows (TM) logo. None of the PCs actually seemed to be used for anything, at least not where the patients were. I did see one PC in use as we walked with our daughter as she was being transferred to her ward for her overnight observation stay. We passed by a bay (empty of any patient) where one of the medical personnel was carefully working with the PC in that bay. She was dressed in surgical scrubs (as were all the on-duty personnel in post-op). She was in the mode of computer interaction we all see everywhere: type a little, read a little, move the mouse, click, read some more. I knew right away what she was doing without even looking at the screen but a glance over my shoulder as we passed by confirmed it. The screen was displaying a page from the JC Penney web site. She was shopping on line. I don't know what is more troubling, the fact that the post-op computers were being used for on-line shopping or that on-line shopping was the only thing they were being used for. This scene was replayed multiple times (if not so dramatically) in the ward where our daughter spent the next 24 hours for observation. There was a PC in the hallway outside her door with a big sign on it that said "Web RN" -- I assume it had some official nursing purpose. However, everyone I saw using it -- nursing staff, doctors, visitors -- used it to surf the web in various ways. I suppose I have committed some breach of etiquette by noticing what people were doing with this computer, but the screen was directly facing our room, and the fact that on-duty medical personnel were surfing when they were supposed to be caring for my daughter (and, of course, others on the ward) was so troubling that I did glance over some shoulders. I am still trying to digest all of this and understand what it means as well as what it might portend. In the meantime I thought I would share this with you and see what you might make of it. Best, Name withheld upon request Goto table of contents ========================================================================== ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER Copyright 2001 by The Nature Institute. You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes. You may also redistribute individual articles in their entirety, provided the NetFuture url and this paragraph are attached. NetFuture is supported by freely given reader contributions, and could not survive without them. For details and special offers, see . Current and past issues of NetFuture are available on the Web: To subscribe or unsubscribe to NetFuture: Steve Talbott :: NetFuture #119 :: March 27, 2001 Goto table of contents