NETFUTURE Technology and Human Responsibility -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue #101 A Publication of The Nature Institute January 27, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor: Stephen L. Talbott ( On the Web: You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes. NetFuture is a reader-supported publication. CONTENTS --------- Editor's Note Quotes and Provocations Attack of the Intelligent Refrigerators Making Guinea Pigs of Students The Trouble with Ubiquitous Technology Pushers (Part 2) (Stephen L. Talbott) or: Why We'd Be Better Off without the MIT Media Lab DEPARTMENTS Correspondence Criticize Out of Love, Not Resentment (Kevin Kelly) Toward a More Balanced View of the Media Lab (Amy Bruckman) Too Much Complaining (Bob Gaughan) An Overdue, Grace-filled Literacy (Tom Mahon) Announcements and Resources Education in Search of Spirit Where NetFuture Gets To About this newsletter ========================================================================== EDITOR'S NOTE NetFuture gets around. An Israeli website offering the newsletter in Hebrew is in the works, selected articles are translated into Spanish, and every issue gets forwarded through secondary circulations far beyond my ability to track. For a few pointers, see "Announcements and Resources" below. Of course, annotated links can spring up anywhere and everywhere, but of those that have been brought to my attention, the following provided by William P. Dunk of William Dunk Partners, Inc., has tickled my fancy. In a "best of class" listing, he runs his NetFuture blurb under the heading, "Best Real Y2K Warning": We spend our computer lives worrying about privacy, viruses, and horrible, horrible programs from Microsoft. But these are not the real problems. The question is how that keyboard and screen and poorly constructed content is changing our lives in ways we can never picture. Stephen L. Talbott in the newsletter NetFuture looks at how our lives change in a digital world. He knows whereof he speaks -- with roots in programming and technical writing. See With a URL like that, he is proving that technology can ruin our lives. See, "Editor Explores Unintended, and Negative, Side of Technology," The New York Times, November 25, 1999. p. D7, by Lisa Guernsey. Talbott reminds me of the vivid discussion of microwaves several years ago: data out of the Soviet Union showed us that the real threat from microwaves was the insidious long-term health problem from unnoticed frequencies, not the short-term obvious emissions from leaking microwave ovens. Talbott does his letter in longhand, but only publishes on the internet. Dunk is right about the monstrous URL, which is actually an alias for the even more monstrous "real" URL: [Added later: the url is now] Dunk's own URL is more parsimonious: SLT Goto table of contents ========================================================================== QUOTES AND PROVOCATIONS Attack of the Intelligent Refrigerators --------------------------------------- We've been talking about ubiquitous computing lately, so I guess I should pass along this item from NewsScan Daily (January 18, 2000): In recent days there have been a number of product announcements for "smart appliances": General Electric Co. has demonstrated the concept of an Internet-connected refrigerator, with an ability to read bar codes as you put your groceries away and reorder what's consumed; Whirlpool Corp. has shown a command-center refrigerator, complete with food-tracking capability and a wireless pad to let consumers download recipes from the Net; and Sunbeam Corp. has begun talking about its new bedside alarm clock that turns off the electric blanket and turns on the coffeemaker; and the bathroom scale that transmits your weight to the gym. A Sears executive sums it all up this way: "This is kind of like the Normandy invasion. You will see products with service capability that will stretch your imagination in the years to come. This is a big deal." (Washington Post 18 Jan 2000) Normandy invasion? Making Guinea Pigs of Students ------------------------------ By way of half-hearted penance for shoving the entire MIT Media Lab into a single pigeon hole (see Amy Bruckman's letter, below), I offer the following evidence of good sense from at least one corner of the Lab. Michael Schrage, a widely read columnist and a Media Lab research associate, had this to say in a recent interview: When we had the telephone revolution, we didn't have Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson calling for a telephone on every single desk of every single student. In the early days of television, we didn't have Kennedy ... calling for a TV on every desk or one in every classroom. And yet, with regard to the computer, we've somehow developed this bizarre "silver bullet" mentality, that there are single-shot solutions to educational quality, and that the computer, well-programmed or well- networked, is a solution to the problem -- that education is a problem to be solved. Well, that's complete nonsense. My design bias is the computer is a resource that is not yet understood and we are in the process of conducting all kinds of experiments. We should be conducting these experiments with a little more self- criticism, a little more skepticism and a little less championing of the computer. Just because I think the computer is a fantastic, terrific medium does not mean that I believe that, for example, K through 12 students should become educational guinea pigs for a bunch of idealistic ideologues. (Educom Review, January/February, 2000) (Thanks to Michael Corriveau.) SLT Goto table of contents ========================================================================== THE TROUBLE WITH UBIQUITOUS TECHNOLOGY PUSHERS (PART 2) or: Why We'd Be Better Off without the MIT Media Lab Stephen L. Talbott ( In part 1 of this series I voiced my first complaint against the ubiquitous technology pushers: by letting their work develop out of a one-sided preoccupation with the technological milieu rather than immersion in the meaningful contexts affected by their inventions, they inflict technological "answers" upon us without any serious reference to the supposed problems. --------------------- I don't mean to suggest that the bearers of technological wonders are shy about telling us how their inventions will solve this or that problem. They are all too eager. When you are convinced you have a nifty answer, everything begins to look like a problem demanding your answer. This leads to my second complaint: technology pushers too often fail to recognize the difference between solving a problem and contributing to the health of society. Solving problems is, in fact, one of the easiest ways to sicken society. A technical device or procedure can solve problem X while worsening an underlying condition much more serious than X. Here are a few examples: ** There's already wide recognition of the danger in solving the problems presented by medical symptoms. Aspirin, by eliminating pain, can mask an underlying illness or cover for bad habits that in the end may prove fatal. ** One reason television-watching is on the increase, or so I read in an article today, may be that "it's a way to stop conflicts between kids and adults". Yes, in the heat of the moment you could say that television is an effective answer to the problem of family conflict. But won't this truce of convenience, this mutual disengagement, very likely lead to an even more radical parting of the ways somewhere down the road? ** The same article contained the observation that "there are a lot of neighborhoods where you're better off staying in watching TV than going out on the street". In such neighborhoods the television may indeed be at least a partial solution to the problem of personal safety. But in a deeper sense you will find that television has helped to make the street what it is, if only by sucking what was once the vigorous communal life of porch and street, first, into the family living room, and then into the isolated dens of individual family members. ** The technical mechanisms of hypertext are thought by many to solve the problem of providing adequate context for documents. And they do solve the "outward" problem of aggregating and structuring a collection of text blocks. But, as all web users have discovered by now, this solution can work against any effective grasp of context. Being a click or two away from everywhere is disconcertingly like being nowhere at all. Every worthwhile context involves an inescapable and creative tension between a center of meaning and a boundless periphery that shades into the unknown. This tension is given form by means of the conceptual threads we must (with the author facilitating) actively weave through our reading. When the supplied links substitute for, or weaken, our own activity -- as they will when we believe the links themselves can do the work of supplying context -- then we lose context instead of gaining it. ** Everyone seems to believe that the cell phone is an instrument conducing to personal safety. And, in a narrow sense, this is certainly true. Many a parent breathes more easily after conferring a phone upon a son or daughter who must travel alone. But what is it that makes one alone? Doesn't the widespread use of cell phones, in our cultural milieu, tend to thicken a little further that mutual insulation between us by which society becomes a less hospitable and less safe place? Each of us becomes less inclined to seek help from those immediately around us, and the habit of offering help weakens. For people who pass each other with cell phone attached to ear, the important items of business -- including the sources of help -- always seem to be elsewhere, and there is not much room for attention to the immediately surrounding social context. The question, "Who is my neighbor?" becomes harder and harder to answer. The Basic Choice ---------------- None of this should be controversial. You might even say that these examples make the trivial and universally recognized point that social problems are complex. But what isn't so widely recognized -- or is too often forgotten -- is that the technological mindset, so excellently trained to think in terms of discrete solutions, bugs, fixes, precise "specs", and well-defined syntaxes, is not inclined toward a reckoning with organic complexity. But this is exactly what is needed. With an organism, or a society of organisms, changing one "spec" implies changes to everything. While (with some justification) we make it the engineer's task to frame problems that are as "well-behaved" and as rigorously specifiable as possible, we face social problems that can be fully understood only with the fluid, pictorial, category-blurring, whole-encompassing finesse of the imagination. Or, putting it a little differently: society presents us with conversations we must enter into, not problems to be solved, however much we find the reduction to manageable problems a necessary, temporary expedient. Only when we remain aware of what we are doing and continually allow the larger context to discipline, dissolve, and re-shape our narrowly focused problem solving do we remain on safe ground. But let me clarify what I am and am not saying. I'm not saying that you shouldn't give your daughter a cell phone. I can imagine situations where I would do it. This would have the immediate (and substantial!) virtue of contributing to the safety of a loved one. But if I were not also working consciously against the unhealthy tendencies of the larger context that necessitated the phone, and to which the phone itself all too naturally contributes, then I would be adding my small share to the miseries of society. I would be making society safer only in the sense that exclusive, gated communities may make a society safer -- for some people, and for now. Seeking clarity at this point is crucial because what the technology critic seems to be saying can easily provoke a justified incredulity in those who, with all good faith, are working to put more sophisticated technical resources at our disposal. "Do you really mean that, in terms of our underlying social problems, we'd be better off without cell phones -- and computers, and GPS locators, and space probes, and genetic engineering techniques? And even if this were true, can you possibly believe that, outside the dreams of madmen, the world's vast apparatus of technological advance could be dismantled?" No, I believe none of those things. What I do believe is that, with our technologies in hand, we are given the freedom to construct a hellish, counter-human, machine-like society, or else a humane society in which the machine, by being held in its place, reflects back to us our own inner powers of mastery. And the difference between these antithetical movements is the difference between focusing more on the human dimensions of whatever domain we are concerned with, or on the technological dimensions. In the former case, we will recognize that the primary challenges always have to do with the development of character, insight, volitional strength, imagination, and so on; our technical activities will be valued above all for the way they can help us develop these capacities. The other, gravely misdirected approach is to focus on technological developments as if they themselves held solutions. So, no, I don't suggest that we ban cell phones. But our society's fixation upon technological development as the very substance and marrow of human evolution has become ferocious. There is a grotesque disproportion within American culture between the terms in which we see our billion-dollar investments and the real needs around us. This distortion is dangerous and needs healing -- a prospect that admittedly appears as unlikely today as a broad, public consciousness of recycling, pollution, and environmental issues must have seemed in the Fifties. I can't say what our technological trajectory would look like if we were fully conscious of the issues; but it is certain that, with our attention upon the things that count, the trajectory would be radically different -- which is not quite the same as saying we should "halt all technological progress". The point, rather, is to escape the mindset that sees progress primarily in terms of technology. A Paradoxical Reversal ---------------------- I pointed out above that solving problem X is not necessarily to contribute to society's health. This can be stated more strongly and paradoxically: to the extent we believe we have a rigorous technological solution, that solution will probably worsen the very problem it was intended to solve. You can already see this reversal in the bulleted examples listed above. For example, devices helping to "guarantee" our safety may, in the end, work against safety itself. But we need to take clear hold of the dynamic at work here. The automobile, an early-twentieth-century driver might well have thought, will bind us into closer communities. The distance between us is overcome and we can connect more easily with each other. Yet the automobile's effect on our communities was quite otherwise. One can in fact argue -- I often do so in my public lectures -- that all distance-collapsing technologies, by their very nature, end up inserting greater distance between us. I have no space to develop this thought here, but I think you can see the force of the claim easily enough. Look at it this way: the whole idea of a distance-collapsing technology is to enable us to get more quickly from point A to point B. But getting more quickly from A to B means having less time and opportunity for attending to any of the points between A and B. Moreover, as the influence of distance-collapsing technologies spreads, A and B themselves become intermediary points in an ever-expanding net of one-time destinations that are now mere waystations. If we're to cover those spaces efficiently, we have no more time for A and B than for any of the points between. And so we find ourselves in a world where we're all just passing through. How can people who are just passing through -- determined to criss-cross each other's paths at ever more dizzying speeds -- come closer together? The easiest result -- not an absolutely necessary one, but the result we can most naturally fall into -- is the one that only seemed at first glance to be paradoxical: we find ourselves flying further and further apart rather than coming together. As abstract spatial distance yields to our technological prowess, the qualitative nooks and corners of particular places -- places where significant meetings can occur -- disappear into the quantitative vastnesses of that abstract space. Clearly I am distinguishing here between two different senses of "coming together." And that is the crux of the matter. Technology can indeed overcome those physical spaces, but if this is how we frame the problem (and we must frame it this way if we want a perfectly effective technological "solution") then we have turned our eyes away from the much less easily defined problems that really matter. This is how the new and wondrous technology becomes guaranteed to make the real problem worse. If you falsely believe that X will achieve Y, then you've not only lost sight of how Y can really be achieved, but you're also turning your attention in unpromising directions. The certainty of the unhappy reversal, in other words, is a direct result of a technological fixation that encourages a subtle but disastrous shift in what we imagine our problems to be. The engineer, of course, can always say, "Hey, I was just trying to overcome the problem of spatial distance. What people do with this opportunity is their choice." There's profound truth in that. But the disclaimer is more than a little disingenuous in a society -- and an engineering culture -- where the exercise of the technical machinery for connecting persons is chronically confused with personal connections. The Machine and I ----------------- In summary: There's nothing easier than to find problems your new gadget will solve. It's so easy that it has encouraged a standard formula of journalism: "Dr. Jones' new discovery (or invention) could lead in time to [your choice of solved problems here]". How standard this formula has become is a good measure of how technocentric our society has become. The technical achievement just must, it seems, translate into a social good. There is no equivalent standard formula that routinely acknowledges the risks of the new development. There is no recognition of the historical logic of reversal I've discussed here -- and therefore the prevailing formula becomes part of this logic, helping to guarantee a destructive result. I don't know of any truth more worthy of contemplation in our society today than this one, startling as it may appear: No problem for which there is a well-defined technical solution is a human problem. It has not yet been raised through imagination and will and self-understanding into the sphere of the human being. And what is this sphere? It is, above all, the domain of the "I", or self. The "I", as Jacques Lusseyran remarks, nourishes itself exclusively on its own activity. Actions that others take in its stead, far from helping, serve only to weaken it. If it does not come to meeting things halfway out of its own initiative, the things will push it back; they will overpower it and will not rest until it either withdraws altogether or dies. (Against the Pollution of the I, Parabola, 1999) All problems of society are, in the end, weaknesses of the "I", and it is undeniable that technologies, by substituting for human effort, invite the "I" toward a numbing passivity. But by challenging us with less-than- fully-human problems and solutions, technologies also invite the "I" to assert itself. This assertion, this grace bestowed by technology, always requires us to work, in a sense, against the technology, countering it with an activity of our own -- countering it, that is, with something more than technological. Then the technology becomes part of a larger redemptive development. When, on the other hand, technology itself is seen to bear "solutions", the disastrous reversal has already occurred. What we should ask of the technology pushers, whether they reside as engineers at the MIT Media Lab or as employees at high-tech companies or as consumers in our own homes, is a recognition that the primary danger today is the danger of this reversal, where the strengthening activity of the "I" is sacrificed to the automatisms around us. For every technology we embrace, we should require of ourselves an answer to the question, "What counter-force does this thing require from me in order to prevent it from diminishing both me and the social contexts in which I live?" I spoke a moment ago of technologies inviting us toward passivity, or else inviting us toward self-assertion. But this is not quite the same thing as saying that technologies present us with choices and we are equally free to go to the right or to the left. The choices aren't symmetrical. It takes an inner wrench, a difficult, willful arousing of self, to accept active responsibility for what technologies do to us. Passivity, on the other hand, is easy. It's the choice we can make, so to speak, without bothering to choose. It's also the predominant stance toward technology in our society today. Many a massive PR and sales apparatus is aimed at dressing up the choices of passivity to make them as titillating and irresistible as possible. And, by many accounts, our yielding to the titillation is what drives the "new economy". The subtitle of this series of articles is "Why We'd Be Better Off without the MIT Media Lab". Let me broaden that here. What we'd be better off without is every organization that pushes purely technological "solutions" as if they were what could make us better off. The Media Lab has done its best to make itself the reigning symbol of this push -- and I think would proudly lay claim to the crown. But it remains true that the pathology infects our society as a whole. --------------------- In part 3 of this series I will look at the prospects for labor-saving and time-saving devices. Related articles: ** Go to part 1 of this article. ** Go to part 3 of this article. ** See the "Fundamental Deceit of Technology" heading in the NetFuture topical index. The articles listed there help to characterize the kind of reversal I've been talking about above, where the advertised solution easily becomes a worsening of the problem. Goto table of contents ========================================================================== CORRESPONDENCE Criticize Out of Love, Not Resentment ------------------------------------- Response to: "The Trouble with Ubiquitous Technology Pushers" (NF-100) From: Kevin Kelly ( Stephen, You have my applause and respect for the direction you are headed, as made clear in issue 100. What you are trying to do is very difficult, and many have failed in it so far: present a critical view of technology that is convincing to the technologists themselves. Whether Kirk Sale and Jerry Mander are right or wrong, no one actively making new stuff is going to pay them much attention. Primarily because Sale and Mander are caught in an us/them view that does not allow the nerds to side with them, however much truth may be in their views. Some of the other critics that began from "inside" the nerd camp, more recently have adopted an us/them stance as well, making them more visible, but less likely to influence those who need convincing. That's why I admire your evolving tact in seriously questioning technology in terms that mean something to those who know their bauds and bits. With that respect in mind, I have a suggestion. Just as you would like someone talking about the coming global prosperity to speak of it while facing the poor in Calcutta, so you would like someone talking about why the nerds at the Media Lab should disband to say this while facing the scientists themselves -- having spoken to them in depth about what it is they are trying to do, what they think humans are for, and what they truly hope for with their gadgets. As you probably realize, daily papers are not very good at conveying this nuance. You should inquire of this yourself. Coincidentally, this is precisely the question that Wired began by asking: what are the dreams of the people making our new world? The answers -- far from clear -- share at least one characteristic: people love to be asked this question, and are very eager to share. They do think about it, although they often don't know what they think! That's your challenge. It is easy for a wannabe critic to write a sarcastic gloss for Mother Jones on how dumb the nerds are, how screwed up their ideas of technology are, how destructive they are to the planet, and how superior the readers of MoJo are because they keep technology in its place (or think they do). It is far far harder to write a newsletter on the internet which is read by techies, which actually changes their minds about the things they love. And love is the crux. I believe that true insight into the nature of technology and its consequences won't come out of resentment and disgust, but out of love. Fifty years from now when we look back, the person who will have illuminated the minds of this generation into the social ways of technology, will almost certainly be someone who loved technology (and its creators) more than they despised it (and them). I think you are on the right track. Ultimate honesty about your own stance will get you everywhere. Best, --kk __________________________________________________________________________ Kevin Kelly Editor-At-Large, Wired magazine 149 Amapola Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044 USA +1-415-276-5211 vox +1-650-355-3660 home +1-650-359-9701 fax --------------------- Kevin -- That is one of the most remarkable and discerning messages I've ever received -- all the more because, by graciously giving me more credit than I am due, you demonstrate in your own text the very principles you are talking about. After all I don't consistently or sufficiently show full respect for the people I address and the creative efforts I write about. Writing as a "critic", I find it all too easy to fall into an unhealthy adversarial and demonizing stance. As readers of NetFuture know, I've had to make this a matter of continuing struggle. And, of course, you know this too, which is why you gently referred to my "evolving tact". I appreciated that -- it must mean I'm making some progress! Anyway, you're right about the value of directly engaging those one is "speaking at". Actually, I've been hoping such a conversation with the Media Lab folks would develop out of my writing, and I'm open to all the possibilities. Well, almost all. I shy away from debating formats, where the concern to score points normally extinguishes whatever light might have been shed on things. Also formats that emphasize sound bites over substantial exposition. But I do get the feeling that some worthwhile possibilities for genuine conversation are coming nearer to hand. Steve P.S.: I'm a bit of a nerd myself, and I have found Jerry Mander's work full of revelation! (Regrettably, I haven't yet found the time to read Sale.) Toward a More Balanced View of the Media Lab -------------------------------------------- Response to: "The Trouble with Ubiquitous Technology Pushers" (NF-100) From: Amy Bruckman ( Dear Steve, Speaking as a friend of both Langdon Winner and Alan Wexelblat, it's clear to me that they're both right. Langdon is right that some, though not all, research on ubiquitous computing is technocentric -- pursuing technology for its own sake, with little consideration of human needs. Of course some projects that begin in a technocentric fashion end up benefiting people in unexpected ways, but most don't. For a nice example of ubiquitous computing work grounded in human-centered design, I suggest you look at Beth Mynatt's work here at Georgia Tech on assisted living for the elderly. She is studying the problems older people have that force them to leave their homes, and designing ubiquitous computing devices to help them stay independent longer. Alan is right that many people's tendency to attack ubiquitous computing research so passionately is curious. It's really just a small niche in computing research today. Why is this particular target chosen, and why does it inspire so much ire? In the context of these debates, it seems to me that ubicomp is functioning as a symbol of the broader ways in which technology is changing our lives. Society's interests would be better served by reflecting on that bigger picture, rather than getting distracted by this one small corner of it. Speaking of symbols, in your writing it seems that the MIT Media Lab is functioning as a symbol as well -- a symbol of technocentrism, hype, and wasted wealth. Please remember that the Media Lab is a diverse place. While some of the work done there is technocentric, other work is exemplary in its focus on human needs and broader societal values. For one example, you might look at Mitchel Resnick's work on empowering inner- city children to have meaningful control over computer technology through The Computer Clubhouse project. I could cite a dozen more such examples. Research done at the Media Lab tends to be both better and worse than work done elsewhere -- it's bipolar. The Media Lab permits a degree of intellectual freedom and access to resources unmatched elsewhere. That freedom has both a cost and reward -- it means freedom to do work which is so innovative that a traditional department would have quashed it. And it means freedom to do work that is so inexcusably bad that a traditional department would have quashed it. In the early stages it's hard to tell one from the other. The Media Lab's victories and failures are a package deal -- you can't have one without the other. The net benefits easily outweigh the costs. Amy Bruckman Assistant Professor College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Too Much Complaining -------------------- Response to: "The Trouble with Ubiquitous Technology Pushers" (NF-100) From: Bob Gaughan ( Steve -- I guess your thing is what does Technology do for Humanity. I think those are fair questions and I think that holding people's feet to the fire on that is a good thing. It does come across, however, as "I will always bring up these critical human issues as a counterpoint to whatever you are doing or saying". So, then it becomes one of if someone like myself can not demonstrate to your satisfaction that my every waking moment is dedicated to solving the problems that you have identified, then I am wrong/immoral/indecent, etc. Perhaps a less confrontational approach would make more sense. Because one of the things that strikes me is that the people developing the technology are producing/delivering something and you are simply complaining. Bob Gaughan 978 288 3678 --------------------- Bob -- If "simply complaining" means "whining", well, by all means, let's not have it. But if complaining means pointing out potentially disastrous attitudes and recommending a different approach -- well, why is it I get the feeling that you still don't like the idea? Perhaps it's because (1) you're able to characterize the quest for a humane technology as my "thing"; (2) you ascribe to me a view I expressly disowned -- namely, the view that one should spend every waking moment thinking of grave moral issues; (3) you don't acknowledge that when it does come to a reflective justification of our vocations, it's only proper (indeed, only possible) to appeal to the highest principles of behavior; and (4) you seem to believe that "producing or delivering something", even if it is toxic to society, has a virtue that makes it superior to "complaining", even if it is aimed at pinpointing the toxicity. You may be right about a "less confrontational" approach. (See previous letters.) But your letter illustrates the difficulty in discovering just how to manage that, because it seems fairly clear that I could become less confrontational, in your view, only by abandoning much of my own position. As long as that's the nature of the call for detente, I'm inclined to think the real need is for more confrontation, albeit of the right sort. The extent of the conflict between competing understandings needs to be brought out more starkly, so that it can be seen as a genuine conflict, and not merely a will toward dispute. Of course, if this comes across as a confrontation between egos or a reading of the other person out of the conversation, then all is indeed lost. And if that is what you have actually experienced (or any other reader has experienced), then I would certainly like to know about it. Steve An Overdue, Grace-filled Literacy --------------------------------- Response to: "The Trouble with Ubiquitous Technology Pushers" (NF-100) From: Tom Mahon ( Steve, Congratulations on reaching Issue #100. Re. your topic in this issue: I spoke at a conference in May '98 co- sponsored by MIT's AI Lab and a consortium of Boston-area divinity schools. A worthy effort - one of too few - to engage a dialog between religion and technology. One of the scientists who presented offered the opinion that the universe is essentially meaningless, we are motes in the cosmos, yada yada yada... Finally, one audience member couldn't take any more and asked the man if he had children and did he love them. Yes he had children, he said, and of course he loved them. Then how, he was asked, can he say the universe is meaningless. That, he replied, is something he hadn't come to terms with yet. I felt an urge to hit the guy upside the head and say, "Give it some thought, you silly goose!!!" But what institution can meaningfully mount a challenge to this man, when so many of our moral managers are utterly disconnected from science and technology; from an appreciation of nature and its forces? I spoke at another, more typical divinity school elsewhere a few years ago and, after I summarized some lessons of 20th century science, one of the students told me the material was interesting but he failed to see how it reinforced the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. Again, I felt the urge to take physical action to help someone straighten out his thinking. But before I could say or do anything, the other divinity students came to my defense and told their classmate that the angels would want him to try. When our moral leaders require angelic approval to be aware of the world around them where will we find the critical mass of insightful people knowledgeable enough to articulate the guidelines by which we engineer electrons, atoms and genes? Which goes back to your earlier, urgent appeal for technology literacy. It is a grace-filled literacy long overdue. Regards, Tom Mahon PS, Some suggestions on ways to map technology to compassionate actions are suggested in my essay in ChipCenter, an online resource for electronic engineers at Goto table of contents ========================================================================== ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RESOURCES Education in Search of Spirit ----------------------------- One of the exciting things about the new Alliance for Childhood (NF #99) is seeing what its various supporters come up with as their own response to the various contemporary assaults against childhood. You may want to check out a new and particularly fascinating effort going under the name, "Education in Search of Spirit". According to the founders of this effort: Education in Search of Spirit is not another model to fix what's wrong with the present system. Our energies will not go to solve the `problem' of low test scores, school violence, dropouts, lack of textbooks or any of the other downstream symptoms. Our innovation is to look at the totality of the social structure and ask where the responsibility for education belongs in a free, compassionate, and egalitarian society and to ask what is a new educational approach if we want to release our human potential for innovation, compassion, and competence.... We are not so much creating change as maximizing the changes that are already underway in education and the rest of society. Education in Search of Spirit is a focused drive to link the same enlightened ideas animating adult society into the lives of children in the domain of education. Our proposal is to be the catalyst bringing change agents together, not to organize them. For details, see . Where NetFuture Gets To ----------------------- As part of an ongoing listing, here are a few more places where you might run into content from NetFuture: ** Frank Thomas Smith has begun an intriguing new web publication called the Southern Cross Review, now in its third issue. It bills itself as "a multicultural review of fiction, social and spiritual issues, education and science", and has picked up the Jacques Lusseyran article from NF #92 and the Alliance for Childhood's statement on Technology Literacy from NF #99. The Review also carries original work, both fiction and nonfiction, some of it in Spanish. It even has a special Children's Corner. ** NetFuture reader Hugo Castellano is webmaster for one of the leading Spanish educational websites, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It's called Nueva Alejandri'a, and has recently begun publishing an e-zine, Contexto Educativo, to bring notable articles on education to the attention of teachers in Spanish-speaking schools. Describing educational policy in most of Latin America as "utterly technocratic", Castellano says there is much resistance to this policy among teachers, and he hopes that the site's translation of relevant NetFuture articles will help the teachers to fight back. ** Peter Kindlmann, who is Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering at Yale University, and also the founder and president of Congruent Design, Inc., runs a forwarding service called EAS-INFO (also known as ENG-INFO). He occasionally picks up items from NetFuture, and, in a message to me, describes his interests this way: "We share many attitudes, with mine more toward not having the practicalities of higher education tinged with too much techno-utopianism. In a way you might say that I distrust writings in the `future perfect' tense (in Phil Agre's felicitous phrase). And of course lots of other things at the intersection of information technology and society interest me also." To sample the archives, go to . To subscribe, send a blank message to . ** All this reminds me of a valuable resource that has remained much too hidden from most NetFuture readers: Lowell Monke's NetFuture-affiliated "Confronting Technology" site. It's not overwhelming in scope -- just very useful if you're wanting to do some exploration beneath the surface of the various debates about technology. There's a link to the site from NetFuture's home page, but you can also go to it directly: . Lowell, incidentally, was one of nearly a hundred people asked by Electronic School to envision how digital technologies will change the nature of teaching and learning. You'll find his comments, along with others, at . Goto table of contents ========================================================================== ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER Copyright 2000 by The Nature Institute. You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes. You may also redistribute individual articles in their entirety, provided the NetFuture url and this paragraph are attached. NetFuture is supported by freely given reader contributions, and could not survive without them. For details and special offers, see . Current and past issues of NetFuture are available on the Web: To subscribe or unsubscribe to NetFuture: Steve Talbott :: NetFuture #101 :: January 27, 2000 Goto table of contents