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  • NETFUTURE--Index by Author Name

    Agre, Phil
    Arguing about privacy
        Privacy is not secrecy
    Alexander, Jeffrey
    Physical versus `intellectual' efficiency
        Bottlenecks can serve positive purposes
    Barnes, Sue
    Stirrups and social change
        Joining man and steed into a fighting organism
    What Turkle misses
        Virtual lives are not separate from real lives
    Baum, Jiri
    Arthur C. Clarke's Palador and Net consciousness
        `An intellect more powerful than any other in the Universe'
    We need to exercise the body as well as the mind
        Dancing may be the answer
    Of dancing, painting, gardening
    Bauwens, Michel
    Luciferian revolt or Electric Gaia?
        How optimists and pessimists look at the Net
    Another concurrence about LCD displays
    Beiter, David
    On clearing up computer displays
        Computer text can be easier reading than paper
    Bell, Don
    They used to kill bison
        20th-century technology has not made us less sensitive
    Ben-Avraham, Joel
    Bigotry and openness on the Net
        The lines between "us" and "them" get blurred
    Benedikt, Claire
    What separates a Postman from a Negroponte?
    Brooks, Candi
    The ultimate pen pal club
        Linguistic excursions on the Net
    Caprariis, Pascal de
    Economics, not technology, is the problem
        That phone answering system again
    Carlson, Dick
    Kill the droids.  Up with the machines
        Human operators can be the biggest pain
    Cox, Henry G. 
    Problems with Nonstandardized Phone Answering Systems
        This user needs a cheat sheet
    Davidson, Clyde
    Spirituality and the Net
        Information is not the basis of our fundamental inner choices
    Davis, Dave
    A further note about the stirrup
    Davis, Don
    Luddites and technicians keep society in balance
        Both are necessary
    DeGroff, Leslie
    The enemies of the profound word
        But time will resolve much of the problem of quality
    Net debates and true believers
        Check out Eric Hoffer's books
    Eads, P.
    Commercial databases and your phone number
        The unapproachability of Yahoo
    Faller, Peter
    The Net does not limit our options
        Neither is the computer a threat
    Fischbein, Mike
    Only worthwhile products of technology survive
        Technology does not constrain our options, but increases them
    Advertising and the pressure to upgrade
        The relation between computers and bell-bottoms
    Hardware vs. software upgrades: different issues
        We don't know how to make reliable software
    Computers are used more carelessly than typewriters
        Some practical advice
    Efficiency vs. effectiveness of the Net
        There's also the problem of error
    Frankonis, Christopher
    The limits of adaptation and mastery
        How much responsibility do we bear for the technological future?
    The Net does not cause psychic fragmentation
        Although it may amplify it
    Frankonis, Christopher D.
    Don't try to control technology; adapt
        Avoiding cultural chauvinism
    Griffin, Paul
    Feeling stupid
        The web as a space of disconnection and projection
    Grundy, Mark
    Prejudice on the Internet
        Freedom and a whiff of danger
    Communications technology and the magic of relationship
        Grandmother can speak through any medium
    Gulliford, Jeff
    Of LCD displays and HardRAM
        They're easier on eyes and psyche
    Hakala, David
    A child's world
        This child knows his own priorities
    Harbeck, Reg
    The importance of context for emergent Net patterns
        Laissez faire, or a conscientious, persistent vigilance?
    Heilman, Robert Leo
    Death of a gyppo
        Logging as an art
    Henon, Alain
    Discussions here have been intellectually vacuous
        This leads to a danger of political extremism
    Hinrichs, Randy
    The web and the hunger for higher consciousness
        We don't clearly understand what the web is doing
    Howard, Chris
    Sour grapes from Mr. Ciolek
        The web may compare favorably to TV and newspapers
    There is no planned obsolescence of software
        Is the editor a conspiracy theorist?
    Jay, Tom
    The Placeless, Neighborless Realm
        Does English have a future?
    Jessup, Kevin
    Going with the flow
        From Luddite to Extropian
    Johnson, Doug
    The complexities of technological determination
        We don't control everything and we don't control nothing
    Jones, Kevin
    Damn the computers
        A long-time user's lament
    We relate to technology as to an archetype
        A technological shaman within the male psyche?
    CRTs, eye strain, and meditation states
        Jerry Mander had it right when talking about television
    Jost, Mark
    Flying or falling through cyberspace?
        By what standard do we judge online realities?
    Jr., J. David Stanton,
    Homogenizing global society
        How long can that pen pal club offer a taste of different cultures?
    Kerwan, Michael
    The joys of crossing out text
    Kudryashev, Michael
    The Internet and the Soviet collapse
        Soap operas would have been more effective
    Kulikowski, Stan
    Metaphors about technology are of little use
        Too much data is better than data selected by others
    Kushmerick, Nicholas
    Is your CRT or your environment the problem?
        Flat-panel displays are often used in relaxing places
    Legeros, Michael
    Do subscriber numbers matter?
        A brief conversation
    Lehman, Dale
    Our lives have become a series of addictions
        Computers are not the only dangerous tools
    Web chaos and personal responsibility
        The real problem is dehumanization
    Lopatin, Scott
    I feel fine
        The migration to a higher self has started
    Marks, Peter
    CRT or noise?
    McCormick, Brad
    Forgetting ourselves has a long history
        It is better viewed as a need for self-discovery
    McElhearn, Kirk
    I, too, am starting to worry
        A vision of neo-luddites in caves
    Are the spiders crawling down your back?
        Alta Vista shivers
    Meacham, Bill
    Are LCD displays kinder to the soul?
        CRTs leave me frazzled and flat
    Noxious advertising
        How do we escape the sickness?
    Mendler, Sebastian
    Midboe, Matt
    Search engines bring our skeletons out of the closet
        And it's a good thing:  no more vain pretense
    Monke, Lowell
    Can the `End of Education' Be `Life on the Screen'?
        Review of books by Turkle and Postman
    Computers at school:  the web and the plow
        Reckoning with the costs of technology
    Technology and education: clashing philosophies
        We need to get down to first principles
    Morris, John S.
    Prejudice and the Net
        What is not tested is not remedied
    Mukherjee, Siddhartha
    It's simple Kevin: don't upgrade
        Successful employee resistance has occurred
    Parker, Gandalf
    Ballad of the spider and the fly
        Now what was I looking for?
    Petraitis, David
    There is no natural world left
        The world is as we make it
    Porter, Don
    Higher consciousness or abdication of responsibility?
        Mystical hopes are without foundation
    Prince, Frank
    The computer as a fence
        Good fences make good neighbors
    Quince, Peter
    A nineteenth-century man confronts the computer
        `I glorify silence in front of my low-tech coal fire'
    Quirk, Kent
    Mr. Quince, change happens
        The soul is *in* the machine
    Ray, Erik
    The reckless refreshment of writing on a notepad
        Will a typewriter be next?
    Richardson, Robert
    Basement Wiring:  More Metaphors for the Infobahn
        An unsettling vision from downstairs
    Schmidt, Bob
    The Internet is for adults
        Leave children out of it
    Sclove, Richard
    A quick guide to the politics of cyberspace
        What are the cyberlibertarians missing?
    A quick guide to the politics of cyberspace, pt. 2
        The cybernetic Wal-Mart effect and other concerns
    A quick guide to the politics of cyberspace, pt. 3
        The Net and democracy
    A quick guide to the politics of cyberspace, pt. 4
        Of activism and individual responsibility
    A quick guide to the politics of cyberspace, pt. 5
        An activist's hope for the future
    Setzer, Val
    Dancing does not balance our thinking
        A live thinking is required
    Setzer, Valdemar W.
    An antidote to computer-thinking
        Cultivate the arts
    Shan, Chung-Chieh
    Computer does not necessarily impoverish reality
        Or else painting, too, alienates us from reality
    Shapira, Sean
    Peter Quince's contradiction
        The dangers of absolutism
    Slade, Rob
    Dealing reasonably with cyberhate
        How important are the kooks?
    Smith, Michael
    The computer is just a tool
        It does not impoverish the activities it mediates
    Sobel, David
    Beyond ecophobia
        How to teach children a love of the environment
    Stahnke, Christopher
    Metaphysics underlies technology debates
        Western culture has repressed certain aspects of the human being
    Stahnke, Christopher M.
    The future does not belong to Walter Mitty
        Technology and the need to feed our spirits
    Talbott, Stephen L.
    The Internet as terminator
        There is no technological fix for prejudice
    Liberation and oppression on the Net
        Who is the big, bad wolf?
    FAQ:  Computerized technology and human responsibility
        A non-canonical exercise
    Committing ourselves to tinkerers
        When emptiness rules
    Communes, the Net, and self-governance
        A minor reflection upon the Virtual Magistrate Project
    In (partial) defense of Peter Quince
        Let's have both freedom and realism
    Do computers benefit education?
        A new paradigm needs more than glamor
    The tool's threat lies in our unawareness
        Give ambiguity and complexity their due
    Every tool is an obstacle
        Computer critics need not worship books
    Speeding toward meaninglessness
        Why time-saving devices don't save time
    The illusion of online efficiency
        There is only one exit from the technological arms race
    On writing with pencil and paper
        A few little tricks
    The future of freedom
        Technological determinism is an ambiguous affair
    Forgetting ourselves in the age of automatons
        Does the Internet have a future?
    Will advertising keep the Net free?
        Our continuing experiment in social destruction
    Of computers, both electronic and social
        What do `computing girls' have to do with high technology?
    Privacy in an age of data
        The quest for anonymity spells the end of privacy
    Privacy in an age of data (part 2)
        The balance between public spaces and private places
    Privacy in an age of data (part 3)
        Conviction-driven versus data-driven transactions
    The trouble with genetic engineering
        Towards a science of the whole organism
    Response to Agre
        A healthy private sphere requires a healthy public sphere
    Is *Wired* a New Age Journal?
        And other impressions of some recent issues
    Imprisoning Criminals in Software
        Where are the deepest risks of intelligent technology?
    Gildered Dreams
        Do too many corporate banquets kill off neurons?
    Thienes, John
    It may be too late
        NETFUTURE is a contrary zephyr in an arctic gale
    Thompson, Clive
    The Net isn't an encyclopedia
        Teachers must learn about the Net by using it themselves
    Tucker, Kevin
    When face-to-face is the only way
        But I feel better anyway
    Vivo, Marco de
    Spider or fly?  Wrong question
        I surf; therefore I am
    Webb, Marnie
    How do we cultivate responsibility in cyberspace?
        We fail badly enough in physical space
    Willison, Frank
        At least it meant something to Hester Prynne; all-knowing machines
    Wittnebert, Carl
    Laying Rubber, Flame Wars, and Responsibility
        In defense of traditional virtues
    Soft speech on the Net
        The transforming potential of restraint
    What is the criterion for human contact?
        Cyberspace is a place for mutual trust
    Note about Tarthang Tulku, Tibetan lama
        Do straitened minds compensate with mystical hopes?
    Automation has undoubtedly boosted productivity
        Many jobs are at risk
    Bank loan officer and software don't differ much
        The undeniable vitality of an impersonal logic
    Wright, Jeff
    `Saving' time, money, and physical resources
        From dishwashers to nuclear power plants
    Wynn, Eleanor
    Monks consecrate cyberspace
        Monastery participates in `24 Hours in Cyberspace'
    Zmudzinski, Tom
    Teachers must train students for available jobs
        Opportunities to decide the nature of tomorrow's jobs are few
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  • Last revision: Jan 28, 1997